We can create a loyalty program to boost sales, increase retention, and keep customers happy for your current eCommerce or Bookings website.
We will build your loyalty program to suit your eCommerce business. Decide which actions earn points (purchases, sharing on social media, leaving a review, etc). After accumulating enough points, customers can redeem them when they make their next purchase.
This third-party app is only available in English.
Only available for LEADER or ELITE plans
Customer Experience
When customers visit your site on desktop or mobile, they see the loyalty program launcher.

After clicking, customers can read how to start earning and redeeming points in the loyalty program panel.

Customize Your Loyalty Program
Once we have it all set up you can offer your customers different ways to earn points, customize the look of the loyalty program on your site and in emails, setup when points expire, and more.
Email us at Updates@HelpMeStandOut.com or call Dave at 330.354.9204 for more information.